Funny templates online for adding your photos


You can create funny photomontages with these templates for online photos. You may become in Tiger Woods lifting a trophy or may appear on the cover of the book of David Beckam. There are a variety of templates and picture frames. You can choose the one you like, it's free!

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    Funny templates online for adding your photos

    Template of photomontage of Yoda from Star Wars to add your face ..
    Rolling Stone cover customizable with your photo. Edit the template from the page itself, just upload an image. Salt in a..
    Photomontage that you will be Hugh, surrounded by girls of Play Boy. ..
    Mounting to put a face to Will Ferrell in the movie Elf ..
    Frame for polaroid style photos. ..
    Put a face on the body of Naruto with this online effect ..
    Bloody vertical photo frame. ..
    Template with Tony Montana in Scarface to make a montage with your face ..
    Photomontage, a staff of an urban environment, with an advertising screen, among many posters. Your photo appears on it. You can send it as a joke to your..
    Put a face to the soccer player Lionel Messi with this photomontage ..
    Photomontage to put your face in the smallest man in the world ..
    Photomontage to put a face on the F1 champion Lewis Hamilton ..
    Fomonontaje with French singer Alizée ..
    Template of an oval decorated with a bell and Christmas style. ..
    Template free memory card with a photograph Reason Communion of Jesus with Bible and chalice. You can download or send the reminder card to an e-mail..
    Template of Tiger Woods raising a glass to edit and put a face ..
    Template / picture frame of a snowy landscape with a photo frame from branches of frost flowers in which to insert a photo, especially for..
    Template for your photo collage with popular characters and celebrities. Upload your photo and stand next to Eva Mendes, model and actress. It's..
    Template picture frame, pink with hearts. Upload an image and apply the decoration to your photo. You can use the resulting image, picture social networking..
    Customizable cover of the magazine ohBaby with your..
    Nice frame with many colors, and several drawings, lion, elephant and stars. ..
    Mounting for photos where you can put your face in Ibrahimovic ..
    Edit an image from this page with this template to photomontage consisting of a discrete part with Christmas, for a photograph in width. Garlands and green bars with red..
    Photomontage free template editable from the same page, consisting of frame pink hearts for a photo in..
    Frame for two pictures, red background with flowers, polaroid style. Use this template to decorate your pictures in digital format. Then the composition can download or send an..
    Do you have been graduated ? Create the custom mag cover of the Graduate..
    Decorate your photos with this template for two photos, green background and style polaroid frames. Upload two images, follow a few simple steps and download or send for free photographic..
    Edit your picture from this page using this template to make a Christmas card reminder. Insert your photo in a snowy Christmas landscape frame with..
    Your picture on the cover of a British magazine called football themed Soccer News. ..
    Customizable cover page template with your photo of the magazine Intirviu, ideal for jokes! Add if you want a holder photo effect and send it to your..
    Photo montage to go on the cover of the book of David Beckham, who shows himself in the squad..
    lokamagazine customizable cover with a photograph. Edit this joke online, just upload an image. You can add a text montage made with this template..
    Happy baby personalized magazine. Create your own cover ..
    Frame for two photos with star-shaped flowers and pastel color. ..
    Template Communion memory card with a photograph. Framing a picture in this oval frame of pink shades with floral..
    Free template memory of first communion. Rectangular frame with gold lettering, to put a photo inside. Download the reminder card or send via..